Tuesday, December 14, 2010


so i get home from work only to see that i missed this....god damit. I am super excited for TRON: Legacy and i got the score a couple of days ago and it is most definitely the hotness. I cant wait to see the visuals that accompany the excellent music of Daft Punk.

I think i might be one of the only people in the world that does not have a facebook. seeing this makes it a fact. This is strangely beautiful.

Its pretty crazy how huge Angry Birds has become but the damn game is addicting and at 99 cent or free for the android version its easy to see why it is. I wonder what the game would have looked like on the O.G. gameboy color. That was an excellent device i still got my kiwi colored one.

do yall remember the David Bowie video with Bing Crosby for little drummer boy well Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly decided to pay some respect.

These guys are crazy and you have to admire the accuracy that they accomplished in the video. Also how money is Ferrell's hair and makeup. Reilly looks really bloated i think he is retaining water or something like that. On the topic of John C. Reilly he has a  really bizarre show on adult swim. Dr. Steve Brule is certainly a character.

ok everyone onward to later for discussions on violent 80's movies and replicants. What ever happened to Daryl Hannah after Kill Bill?

Monday, December 13, 2010


Early today kids. Taking some time off from choosing my classes. This is a really stressful time: finals and then you throw thinking (stressing) about what class your going to take next semester during this semester. Yeah that makes sense. Oh yeah and its going to be more expensive.

aNYways moving on..... Cliff Lee needs to make up his damn mind and quick and its not like he will make a difference. He is not that great (especially $100 million+ good) of a regular season pitcher and the Giants made him look human in the world series. Plus MLB does not need another Barry Zito.

So i did not even know that this is being made but its pretty awesome. check it out.

oh yeah that just happened....fast five.

I caught on late to Y: The Last Man but jeez is it good along with Hush and Watchmen its the best comic book i have ever read and i am not even halfway through it. I recommend it highly and i you can check out the first issue here. and if you like that the writer, Brian K. Vaughan, also wrote Ex Machina which is terribly excellent as well.

murphy! im a mess. god robocop is so great.

Hugo Strange

So as we all know (or should dear god people come on) Tom Hardy (Do yourself a favor and watch Bronson the man is rocking the shit in this) has been cast as the villain in Christopher Nolan's "The Dark Knight Rises" (really wish it had a better title but alas i trust Mr. Nolan)

Lots of rumors have been circulating around the interweb about what character Tom Hardy would play and the popular opinion has been that he will play Dr. Hugo Strange.

Now i think this all but makes that a fact.

The reboot that has occurred in the Batman video game realm is insane. Arkham Asylum is a really amazing game made better by the bad rap that comic book based game get that it broke down.

It hard to believe that Luke is the voice of the Joker.

Sorry about the Batman overload but my anticipation is getting pretty bad and the film does not even come out until July 20th 2012. Wow i did not even realize how long this wait is going to be.

On a different note the world is collapsing.

Thats a really scary video and i am really glad that no one was in there to get hurt. Because of this the Vikings Giants game is to be played in Detroit instead with general admission tickets to be given out for free. I never knew that the roof was pretty much a glorified hot air ballon. It amazes me that this is the first time that a catastrophic collapse has occurred. 

But anyways yall have a good night and lets end on a lighter note. 

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Solar Sailer

hELLO everyone hope that school has not effectively shut down your nervous system.

Before moving forward i am going to take you back way back......

Apparently these students believe that Stonehenge was built using balls on rails. To think that this prehistoric monument could have been made with such a genius simple idea is crazy. With it you can move 220 pounds of concrete with one finger. I have always been amazed at how things are built and how heavy things are moved around. One that has always been pretty epic to me is how the bart tunnel (i guess thats the term) under the bay that connects San Francisco to Oakland was built.

Now I saw something really cool that is about a different kind of ancient history.....my childhood.

I love Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner. They were always my favorite cartoon characters (other than batman).

I think its awesome that they are making more shorts even after all these years and the relative obscurity of all the great warner brothers characters is a damn shame.

and on a last note the oscars are quickly approaching and the list of contenders for Best Visual Effects was released. In my opinion other than Best Cinematography this is the coolest award. It gives a shot for a legitimate award win to all those pretty shiny blockbusters. Inception all the way i think.....or has Leo been in my mind?