Friday, November 12, 2010

Hill Valley

i have a slight inclination today will be mostly film based.....

first off huge news

I heard that Darren Aronofsky was in talks to film Wolverine 2 but i did not know he was confirmed already and i get the news that not only is he gonna direct it but Matthew Libatique is along for the ride to shoot it. Both these immensely talented men have worked together on all of Aronofsky's film except for "The Wrestler"and in my opinion always create something visually amazing.

The fact that we have an Oscar nominated director at the helm of what will be a huge blockbuster like Wolvie 2 is amazing. Comic Book related movies have never been respected much and are always seen as forgettable summer fodder but with high profile directors such as Christopher Nolan, Matthew Vaughn, and the one two punch of Iron Man and The Dark Knight in the summer of 08' has established a strong presence for the much over looked comic book genre. I am beyond excited to see how a film about Wolverine will turn out under the guidance of the usually dark Aronofsky.

Now i am going to segway in a little different topic that just caught my eye. As many of you know Call of Duty: Black Ops recently just came out and has been receiving some attention for other reasons that its monster ($360 million in the U.S. and U.K.) first day sales.

The other press its getting is for the game first level in which the player is thrust in to Cuba and ultimately assassinating Fidel Castro. Of course this caused a huge uproar with the Cuban government. The government claims this is "perverse" and i can only think of the terrible things that that government has done to its people that would be deemed perverse.

on a lighter note and to wrap things up with something topical regarding flash mobs....

the dark lord has returned

1 comment:

  1. This is very good and i love the layout of your blog and the pics , also i loce Vin and the Rock.... extra thumbs up :)
