Monday, November 15, 2010

Nacho Cheese

As everyone that knows me can attest to, i love cheese. All kinds of it: asiago, blue, havarti, waiters probably hate serving me at italian restaurants because they have to stand there shredding for so long. Now i am not a connoisseur or anything like that i just really do love it. I even go so far as too put it on my waffles. Now i don't know if people think that is weird but its good try it put some shredded on those waffles.

Now you could even go so far as to say that my interaction with cheese borders on addiction which is what everyone tells me and guess my surprise when this morning i find this little nugget.

It turns out that cheese has morphine in it. Researchers have known since the 80's but it is not some sinister plan funded by the government it is just a natural occurrence in cows and apparently also in human milk. Milk contains casein which when the milk is turned to cheese provides similar efffects to opiates.

This is pretty crazy/scary almost enough to make me rethink my stance on cheese.....nah its too good i'll stay addicted.

in other news tomorrow morning there will be an itunes related event and the interweb is buzzing with rumors. Apparently the best supported one comes from the Wall Street Journal.

i guess she relinquished

It looks like Beatlemania will sweep the U.S. of A again.

good night everyone sleep tight the red lobster has night patrol.

1 comment:

  1. That's insane! No wonder Americans are so addicted to cheese. Have you heard that the DOH is trying to increase the suggested daily intake of cheese? Yikes.

    I don't blame your addiction, though. I too love all kinds of cheese. I recently discovered SMOKED cheese...SO DELICIOUS! Especially in mac & cheese.

    But I digress. Excellent find. I'm going to follow this research.
